Here at Patrick Ahearn Architect, we’re passionate about the details that can make or break a home’s character. Our properties almost always feature elements including appropriately scaled shutters with tiebacks to add to a home’s timeless appeal. For that reason, last week’s NPR story on shutters quite literally made us shudder—and we’re not the only ones! #Shuddersunday is quickly becoming an Instagram hashtag to follow. As part of our “architecture for the greater good” mission, we felt it was high time to revisit our directives on shutters and share them with the world once more.

Our blog post on Classic Exterior Shutters from summer 2019 is as relevant today as it was on its date of publishing. In it, we share key details on the types of shutters and historically accurate holdbacks we like to use and how we go about sizing it all so our clients won’t ever end up featured as a #shuddersunday post.

Thinking your home’s exterior could use an upgrade? Contact us to learn how we might add character and theme by focusing on architectural elements that matter. In the interim, we invite you to find meaningful inspiration in our portfolio.